Sunday, September 21, 2008


I feel like I don't measure up for my family. I really feel like everyone thinks that I have it too easy, so I am tightening up my schedule. I don't know whether this will help me or hurt me, but my schedule has more tasks in it now. Here's what's on my agenda:
  • Women for Obama group
  • Six classes
  • Working at least 3 days a week
  • Newspaper obligations
  • Radio show 1 day a week
  • And as of today, I am secretary of the Literary Arts Society-which is interesting, because they elected when I actually found out about the group only ten minutes before I strolled in.
  • Applying for summer internships
  • Submitting query letters and writing samples for publications
  • Hanging with the chittlin's
Oh yeah, and I'm applying for an internship like... after I finish typing this blog. The internship, work, and school are of course at the top of my lists. Of course, hanging with the kids too. I want/need them to see this well-put together side of me-the side that eats and has friends and gives a darn about life.

I really like the thought of a tight schedule, not just because I want my family to think I'm a hard worker. I really need to retrain myself to take a beating, so that I can handle it later when my career throws me strife. It also keeps me from feeling too much, and that could lead to a problem because being super busy leads to me not thinking about eating. I'm learning how to balance a go, go, go lifestyle and healthy eating, which is something I had never really mastered. My eating disorder always used that as a crutch. I'm taking six classes so that I can knock some out before I go back to St. John's. This will save me some money. I'm also contemplating taking one or two online classes over winter break.

For now, I'm just going to cross my fingers and stay positive. I'm excited about the possibilities of my future!!

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